About Latin Dance Calendar

Latin Dance Calendar is a platform designed by dancers for dancers. The aim is to bring all the information together in one place as the ultimate resource for what is happening in the dance scene in every city worldwide.

Started in 2014 the site has grown to over 40,000 users monthly (in 2023) and growing fast. After a heavy drop in traffic due to the covid pandemic the site has seen a lot of growth and is on track to grow to new levels.

About the founder

Hi, my name is Scott. I’m a senior software and website developer and have travelled the world dancing. I am very excited at the prospect of being able to bring my two passions together for the Latin dance community to benefit.

I am aiming to bring together technology and information in a way never seen in the dance community to create a truly amazing experience for dancers everywhere in the world.

I wish you all many great dances in the future and I appreciate the support.


Scott @ Latin Dance Calendar